Focus Areas
Be a part of future CLIMATE SOLUTIONS!
"Think of Nature" has three major programs to address our mission.
The RESTORE focus area strives to restore natural resoureces by planting trees, preserving soil and Biodiversity which helps in natural Carbon Capture. We achieve this goal with our proud volunteers and by partnering with cities, local governments and other nonprofit organizations to stop deforestation and regain forest to minimum 60% of available land.
The REINVENT focuse area provides a platform for our local communities and youths to innovate the way we use energy, transportation, buildings, agriculture and everything to embrace a sustainable lifestyle. We achieve this goal by working with self motivated groups such as school clubs, nonprofits, community ventures and startups to foster innovation in Climate Tech.
Through Climate Literacy REASSESS program focuses on bringing awareness of adverse impact on nature due to our own activities. Each individuals or organizations can find their Personal Carbon Index through the app, and the open source platform to measure, optimize and offset their Carbon. Every individual contribution adds up and matters a lot by using climate friendly products without sacrificing lifestyle!